Win/Win - Learning from Morton's The Steakhouse
I've spoken before about marketing your product or service with another company so you can maximize your exposure, broaden your audience and take advantage of additional marketing dollars; Morton's The Steakhouse does that very well. On October 7th they will host an historic wine dinner in conjunction with the famous Mondavi wine family. The event will take place in California and be broadcast to 54 Morton's locations using Velocity - a state-of-the-art, hi-tech broadcasting system installed in every Morton's restaurant. It is the first time all of the 2nd and 3rd generations of the Mondavi family will get together. This is an incredible partnering opportunity for everyone involved. The Morton's folks are reaching all of the Mondavi wine family audience and the Mondavi folks are reaching all of Morton's audience AND the evening will raise money for Make-A-Wish. It is a brilliant example of how to host an event utilizing two different organization's contacts, market to all of them at the same time, all for a good cause. Here's a link to read more about the event - And feel free to join me! I'll be attending at the White Plains Morton's! I'll even make room at my table for you if you let me know you're coming!
Okay, so you're not Morton's or the Mondavi family, it doesn't matter. You can still learn from event. Select your own complementary partner. Together choose a charity to be the recipient of your event's proceeds. Next market the heck out of the event using direct mail, email, press releases, online media, social media, etc. Be sure that your message and graphics are consistent across all platforms and also request that the charity help you market the event as well and provide them with the appropriate branding, graphics, wording, etc.
I promise it's a win/win. And with the holidays coming up, this is the perfect time to start planning! Get going, it's nearly October!