An extra hour each day

Okay, I don't know about you, but it's becoming a little rough to keep up with all these social networks, blogs, Tweets, social media, on-line webinars, group updates..... and just when we managed to fit it all in, along came BUZZ! Wow, do we really need it? Probably not, but it's here and it's backed by Google so it is probably here to stay. Now it's a matter of finding a way to live with it, incorporate it and find another few minutes each day to get through it. So how do you find an extra hour each day to fit in all this on-line interaction? The best way to find that extra hour is to plan for it. I do this by doing a quick check each morning, spending only 15 minutes or so responding or reviewing what seems most important. But I schedule in one hour, three days a week to really get into it. I check every online portal that I feel is important, really read the Tweets, respond to blogs and now pour over the Buzz responses (they are going to have to clean that up, right now it seems a bit like slop at the mess hall and you kind of have to pick through to find the edible pieces!). But I digress. In any case, I have found the best method of finding an extra hour is planning out that extra hour and fine-tuning what is really important and deserving of a response. I force myself to ignore posts that really don't have a positive impact on my business, but absorb those who do; follow those who can really contribute to the growth of my business and ignore those who are simply pontificating. It takes a little while, but I feel like I have a rhythm now, except for that annoying buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing sound........


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