Tweetup at IMAX For Avatar
If you haven't heard about Twitter, you are clearly hiding under a rock, but I would forgive you if you haven't heard about Tweetups yet. Tweetups are social gatherings for those who find each other or follow each other on Twitter. It is a great way to pull people together for fun or a common cause or interest. The one I'm posting here is a first for the IMAX Theatre at Palisades Center in West Nyack. This is a great example of how to market a product and also attract people for something fun. This is the very last showing of Avatar before it will leave the big screen forever. To mark the occasion, IMAX is hosting a Tweetup and inviting folks to come a little early to talk about the film. Those who see the movie will also receive a Limited Edition Collector's Pin only available at this show and at this theatre.
Join us! It's going to be great. Oh, and don't forget to retweet it! Hashtag #imaxavatar! See you there!
And keep reading my Blog for the upcoming Tweetup at Morton's The Steakhouse! :)